Tuesday 18 November 2014

Maths with Room 6

This afternoon we had a developmental maths session with the Room 6 children.  We had lots of fun completing some of the maths activities together.

Uniform truck

Sunday 16 November 2014

U is for unicycle

One of our letters last week was U.  Some of the older children showed us how they could ride Unicycles.

Mrs Cockfield was brave enough to have a turn!

Then she helped Chloe and Charlie have a go...

Unicycles looked like a lot of fun but were tricky to ride!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Mufti Day

We are having a mufti day on Friday to raise money for the Westport S.P.C.A.

Reducing rubbish

This is how we reduce rubbish in our school.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Swimming tomorrow

Last day of swimming tomorrow!  We will have a Fun-day Friday swim.  We swim at 12.30pm.  Many thanks to those who were able to help today.

Picnic and Play

This afternoon, Room 5 and 6 hosted Picnic and Play for the children who are starting school at the beginning of next year.  It was lovely to meet you all with your families.  We will see you again over the next few weeks for your transition visits.

This Saturday...

Uniform Sales

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Swimming tomorrow...

...at 11.00am, don't forget your togs!  Many thanks to all those who have been able to help us at the pool.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Swimming tomorrow

Tomorrow we swim at 11.00am.  Many thanks to those who were able to help today.  Please check your child's bag to ensure they have all their belongings.

Monday 27 October 2014

Swimming tomorrow

Don't forget your togs and towel, we leave for the pool at 12.20pm.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Mufti Day!

This Friday 24 October, we are going to have a special Mufti Day to support the Buller Rugby Team and Mr Adams.

Buller have made it to the grand final.  This is a huge achievement for Buller and we want to wish them the very best of luck!  Please come to school wearing Buller colours; red and blue.  Go Buller!

Monday 20 October 2014

A birthday surprise!

Today it was Phil's birthday.  Phil is our groundsman and does a brilliant job helping Steve take care of the school.  In appreciation of all his work, Westport South School presented him with a new bike and helmet!  This afternoon, he came and showed us all and we said "Happy Birthday" to him!

Friday 17 October 2014

M is for Minions!

This morning at assembly, Rooms 5 and 6 presented the Minions poem to assembly.

Well done Room 5 Busy Bees and Room 6 Shining Stars!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Folk Dancng

Rooms 5 and 6 have been practising their folk dancing in preparation for our folk dance 'spectacular' at the end of the year!

Friday 26 September 2014

Fridge Magnets

The technology focus for our Magnet unit, was to decorate and make a simple photo frame magnet for the fridge. Children coloured the frame and cut them. (Some children needed help with this.) The photos were taped to the back of the frame and the laminated. After that, the children stuck a small magnetic strip on the back. They look very colourful and the children are very proud of their effort.

Imogen's pet goat

A few weeks ago we had a little lamb at school. Today Imogen brought her pet goat, Maisie to school. The children enjoyed meeting Maisie.

Ronald McDonald fundraiser

On the last day of term we dressed up as 'What we woul like to be when we grow up. 
Room 5 had princesses, nurses, super- heroes, firefighters, astronauts, and hunters. Mrs Rob hasn't quite grown up yet so she dressed up as a rock star.

Monday 22 September 2014

Kindy Visitors

Last Wednesday a group of children from the Westport Kindergarten came to visit Rooms 5 & 6 . Mary Rose and Andrea came too. It was great to see our friends from Kindy!

Maui and the Sun

As part of our 'Sun' focus, we read the story of Maui and the Sun. The children then drew pictures of the Sun, incorporating Koru design. The finished artworks look great!

The Sun

We have learning about the Sun & how it provides light and heat. We have been finding out how it is important to all life on Earth. We have been learning about day and night, and shadows. Here is some of our work. Check it out next time you are at school.


Sunday 14 September 2014

Great work in the Busy Bee Room

Children have busy making things associated with the alphabet throughout the term. Check out their efforts. Call in and have a look. These are snapshots  of some of their work.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Magnet Magic

On Friday 12 September, Rooms 5, 6, 7 & 8 had a lot of fun exploring magnets and their properties. Activities were set up in each room and children worked in small groups at each one, then moved onto a new activity. They were assisted at each activity by Senior students who helped them in their investigations. Some things that children discovered were; that magnets can attract or repel, that they can work through objects, that they don't pick up some objects, and that they do not pick up all metals. Ask your child what they found out.