Monday 31 March 2014

Our newest Busy Bee

Welcome Jesse, Room 5's newest member of the Busy Bee Room.
We hope you enjoy your time with us!

Welcome back

Welcome back Mrs Robertson, we are pleased to see you back in Room 5!

From Room 5 and 6

Friday 28 March 2014


Each Friday morning we go to assembly.  Today we sang "Two little mice" and "Lost property box".  Then Mrs Duston talked to us about the lost property.  We need to be careful to make sure our clothing is named and make sure we don't  leave it outside anywhere!

Congratulations Tane...

...on your Principal's Award at assembly today, well done!

Welcome to ...

Blaze and Chloe got their Welcome to school awards at assembly today.

Athletics Results

Congratulations to all for competing so well during the fun-filled morning.
The following received placings:

Tane 3rd=  5 year boys Long jump
Ciara 2nd 5 year girls Discus

Well done!

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Library Day

Each Tuesday afternoon we go to the library to select a book to take home.  We don't need to return this until the following Tuesday, then we can choose another!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Here is Mrs Hattersly

We are lucky Mrs Hattersly has been with us this week.  Here she is with Room 5.

New Busy Bees

A special welcome to Blaize and Chloe, our newest Room 5 Busy Bees.  We hope you enjoy being in our class!



Unfortunately it was too wet today so we will have our athletic sports on Thursday morning instead.  Parents are most welcome to come and watch!

Monday 24 March 2014

Thank you

Thanks for checking the Room 5 Busy Bees blog.  Just to let you know, I have been posting the items for Helen under her username and will continue to do so until she returns.  Please keep checking in.
Julie Shepherd

Sunday 23 March 2014

Principal's Award

Today Matai got an award at assembly.  Well done Matai, keep up this great work!

Heart at Assembly

At assembly today, Mr Adams and Mrs Grant talked about how we use HEART at Westport South School.  H is for Honesty, E is for encouragement, A is for attitude, R is for respect and T is for Together we can.  Later Mrs Duston and Mrs Grant came to the class and talked about it some more, then gave us all a heart bracelet!

Thank you Matai

Matai helped sellotape  the notices to the home reading books today, thank you Matai, that was really helpful!

25 nights of reading

Congratulations on 25 nights of reading Grace! Keep up this great work!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Class Award

Congratulations on your class award today Ciara!  Keep up this good work!

H is for Helicopter

Today Tara brought her helicopter to show us.  She flew it around the room and we watched as it squirted out bubbles.  It was awesome!  Thanks Tara, we will remember H for Helicopter!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Domain Slideshow

Our slideshow about our Domain trip last Friday is ready.  We will show it at assembly on Friday.  You are welcome to come to Room 6 and see it anytime.

Senior School Athletics

After watching some running races yesterday, we completed our stories and pictures about them.  Look at this amazing work!