Wednesday 16 April 2014

Minion Mountain

Minion begins with 'Mm'. Look at our mountain of Minions!
  Mrs Shepherd had some bright yellow paper bags, and she kindly gave some to Room 5 children. We drew hair and then glued on the eyes. Next we drew a mouth. After that, we coloured and cut out the work apron and glued it on.
Thank you for the cool bags Mrs Shepherd.
 We like our magnificent Minions. We hope you do too!

End of term photo

Here are the amazing Room 5 Busy Bees at the end of Term 1.

More Mums!!

We have some more Mums to add to our 'Me & my Mum' photos.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.  Look at our Easter Bunnies with their Easter baskets of treats!!
Have a happy holiday break. See you next term.

Bubble Fairies

Mrs Duston and Taryn had big bubble blowers. Room 5 and Room 6 children thought they were great and had lots of fun running around trying to pop them!!  Pop! Pop! Pop!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

M is for Marvelous Mixtures

We repeated our science experiment today and got some great results!

When we added lemon juice to the red cabbage juice... turned pink!

When we added vinegar... turned...!

When we added bleach... went clear!

Marvelous mixtures are aMazing!

Munchkins love Minions

Today we watched a little bit of the Minions Movie.  M is for Minions.

Monday 14 April 2014

Me & my Mum

As part of our Literacy programme we are looking at things that begin with 'Mm'. We have found someone special who starts with 'Mm'. It is 'Mum'. Meet our marvellous Mums with their magnificent children. We still have some more to add to these.

Lovely Ladybirds

As part of our focus on the letter Ll, we made our very own ladybirds. We think that we look lovely!

Blaize & the spider

Blaize found a big spider in her wood shed. She brought it to school for us to see. After we had looked at it and talked about spiders, we let it go.

Science Experiment

Last week's science experiment was L for Lovely Liquid.  
However we did not get the results we were aiming for.
So this week we changed its name - M for Marvelous Mixtures!
Using red cabbage juice, we were able to change its colour by adding different liquids to it!  
This was quite exciting as the children could see the colours changing before their eyes.  See if your child can describe what we added and how it affected the mixture.

Friday 11 April 2014

Singing at assembly

Many of the Room 5 and 6 children were in awe at assembly today - they could hear Mr Duston singing right beside us and were very impressed!  Great singing Mr Duston!

Awesome Art

Room 3 showed their amazing pieces of artwork at assembly today.  The colours were beautiful and we could see they had spent a lot of time on their pictures.  We'll done Room 3.


This morning at assembly, we were treated to a Haka performance by the School Kapahaka group.  The boys did an amazing job and one day I expect to see the group made up of current Room 5 boys! Mrs Robertson and Miss Halsall do a brilliant job of running the Kapahaka group.

Principal's Award

Congratulations on your award at assembly this week Alex!  Keep up this great work!

L is for Little Einsteins

We watched little Einsteins. There was a Monarch butterfly on it.

Yummy Milk!

Every day after lunch, Room 5 children love to drink their yummy milk. Thank you Fonterra for sponsoring Milk in Schools.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Andrea comes to school

After school Andrea from kindergarten (and Matai's Mum!) popped in.  Lots of the children knew Andrea and it was lovely to see her!  Andrea liaises between our school and the Kindergarten to help children transition between the two.


This morning we went and watched the roadworks outside the school.  Fulton 
Hogan were sealing Haselden Street.  We could see the truck tipping out the gravel.  Then the men would sweep around the edges and the roller would drive over it to make the road nice and level.  We enjoyed looking at the roadworks. Tomorrow we will write some stories about what we saw.