Friday 23 May 2014

School Production

After assembly the Room 5 and 6 children were lucky to stay and see a particular dance from the upcoming school production,  the senior children are putting a lot of work into it.  Can't give too much away...

Pirates and princesses

Here is a photo of Room 5 and 6 dressed up this afternoon.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Pirate/Princess day

Don't forget to come to school dressed as a Pirate or a Princess tomorrow.  Mrs Robertson has her outfit sorted!  See you then!

Monday 19 May 2014

P is for ...

Who knows what these are?  They start with our letter of the week - P.  Tomorrow we will try them!

Frog on the blog!

Look what we found hopping around at lunchtime!  We think it is a brown tree frog but would love you to tell us if you know anything about it. It was about 4cm, brown with little bumps.  Was it a toad?  We would love to know!  We have never seen a frog at school before,  perhaps it thought it was the blend fr week!

Storm Turner New Entrant.

Welcome to the Busy Bee Room Storm.

Room 5 Principal Awards

Jesse Ritchie and Storm Turner received Principal Awards at assembly on Friday. congratulations.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Early warning for P week

On Friday we are having a Pirate/Princess/Prince dress-up day to celebrate letter P.  Start getting those costumes ready Busy Bees!  I wonder what Mrs Rob will dress up as?

Thursday 15 May 2014

Maori Music Instuments

On Tuesday, Westport South children had the opportunity to attend a musical presentation which involved learning about and listening to the many musical Instruments made from natural materials. Jerome, the presenter explained what they were made from, and demonstrated the sounds they made. Some children helped him. Some children have found their own 'singing stones' to play.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Happy Mothers Day

We hope all the special Mums out there have a wonderful Mothers Day!

Friday 9 May 2014

Principal's Award

Today at assembly, Ross Dalley received a Principal's Award for great reading progress and showing HEART in the classroom. 
Well done Ross.

Welcome at Assembly

Each Friday we have a school assembly in the hall, where we come together as a school community to sing, and celebrate our work and achievements. It is also a time to welcome children who have recently started at Westport South School.
Today Charlie Jefferies and Ella McCarron from Room 5 received 'Welcome' certificates. We are pleased that you are part of our Westport South School community.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Independent Reading

Each day, after morning interval, the children in Room 5 come in and read from their group 'Browsing baskets'. We like reading books.

The Giraffes Group

The Lions Group

Ella, our new class member

Ella McCarron started school yesterday. Ella likes bees so I think she might like being in the Busy Bee Room. 

Welcome to Room 5. 

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Ross and his Mum.

Here are Ross and his Mum. His Mum was away when the other 'Mum' photos were taken.

Lazy Lizards

Look at our lazy lizards! Did you know that lizards lie to lie in the warm sun? They like to flick their long tongues out to catch flies.

Literacy Artwork

We like our milk shakes and muffins! 

New Entrant

Charlie Jefferies started school on Monday. Welcome to The Busy Bee Room.

Class visitors

On Tuesday 6 May three children spent time in Room 5 as part of their transition to school experience. They are Blaze Riddell, Oliver Yates and Storm Turner. Storm is very excited as she is starting school next week. 

Happy Mothers Day on Sunday!