Monday 30 June 2014

Senior School Production

This morning the whole school went down to the NBS Theatre on buses to see 'Once Upon a Time'.  This is the show the senior school have been working so hard on!  It was a great show to watch and included some fantastic singing  and dancing!  These are some of the photos...

Saturday 28 June 2014

Room 7

The children who are moving to Room 7 next term had a transition visit on Thursday!

School Production

Don't forget to get your tickets!

Tuesday 24 June 2014

New Zealand Playhouse Show

This morning the whole school went to the show 'Rapunzel' put on by the New Zealand Playhouse in our school hall. This is a touring group who each year treat us to a quality production which the children thoroughly enjoy.  Today's show 'Rapunzel' featured characters such as Simon Cow-ell, Pinnochio and a rapping Prince!  The Room 5 Busy Bees sat enthralled for over  an hour while the performers entertained us!

Monday 23 June 2014

New Entrants in Room 5

Two children have joined the Busy Bees in Room 5. They are Breya Mumm and Zak Donaldson. Welcome to school and to Room 5. We are pleased to have you in our class

Sunday 22 June 2014

Super readers in Room 5

We have some super readers in Room 5. They like reading! well done Super Readers.

Saturday 21 June 2014

School Production - Once upon a time

The NBS Theatre is now selling tickets for the School production, Once upon a time.  The Senior and Middle school have been working very hard getting ready for this.  It is on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd July at 7pm.  Tickets are $5 for an adult and $3 for a child.

Friday 20 June 2014

Room 7's Blog

For anyone who would like to check out Room 7's blog, their address is:

Kiwifruit kebabs

We tried these yummy kiwifrut kebabs as part of our food of the week programme.

Welcome to school

Breya received her Welcome to School award at assembly from Mrs Duston.  We are pleased to have you in the Busy Bee Class Breya.

Class Awards

Congratulations Charlie on your class award today.  We were thrilled when your name was drawn out for the subway lunch on Tuesday also, good work!


This week our focus letter has been T.  So this afternoon we watched a little bit of the movie Turbo!

Thursday 19 June 2014

Cross country

Congratulations to the Room 5 Busy Bees!  You ran the Cross country so well!  
5 year boys - 2nd Tane
5 year girls - 1st Ciara, 2nd Blaize
Great effort!

Go Tane!

Great running Blaize and Ciara!

Sunday 15 June 2014

Transition Visitor.

Zak Donaldson has been visiting Room 5. He will be 5 soon and will start school. We like having you visit the Busy Bee Room Zak.

New Entrants

Welcome to Room 5!