Wednesday 27 May 2015

Ambulance Visit

We joined Rooms 6/7/8 to hear Nichola and Jeff talk to us about being in the ambulance service.  They brought two of their vehicles to show us.

Room 7/8 asked some great questions and we learnt about how lucky we are to have dedicated people in our community who help us.  Most are volunteers and don't even get paid!

We listened really hard while they talked to us.  Then we all went outside and had the opportunity to look in the two vehicles.  

Thank you very much Nichola and Jeff.  We really appreciate the work you and your colleagues do in our community to help us and keep us safe!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Warm Classroom Slippers

The children in Rooms 5 and 6 have been given knitted slippers to wear on cold wet days. The Westport Woolcrafters very kindly knitted them for us. They knitted some for another school last year.
 Thank you very much to this group of kind people. 

Look at our cosy slippers!

50 Nights of Reading.

Congratulations to Emmy-Jean on 50 nights of reading! You are reading very well.

Room 5 New Entrant

Welcome to the 'Busy Bee' Room James. You enjoyed you first day at school.

Thursday 21 May 2015

New Entrant

Fergus started school today! Welcome to Room 5 Fergus.

New Windows and Doors in Room 6

The children are very interested in how the new doors and windows are being installed in Room 6. 
Room 5 will be next!!!

Great Readers

India and Tom have been reading their books at home. India is a '25 Nighter' and Tom is a '50 Nighter'! Well done to you both. You are getting better and better at reading.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Goodbye Harold

On Friday Jack from Room 6 came to get us to tell us the life education caravan was about to leave! We quickly rushed outside to see Mr Walsh backing the truck up and lifting the outriggers.  Then we all waved as he drove Harold away.  We asked which school he was going to next, it turns out Harold is having a holiday for a month! We think he deserves it.  It was great having you at our school Harold and Carmen!

Friday 15 May 2015

Room 5 visits Room 6

The Busy Bees went to visit Room 6 in the library.  The windows are getting replaced in Room 6 and as soon as they are done, it will be Room 5's turn!

Class Award

Congratulations Skyla!

Welcome to school

Welcome Zak and Krystle.

Principal's Award

Congratulations Tyler!

Tuesday 12 May 2015


Puzzles are fun! India, Tyler and Nataleigh enjoy puzzles.

New Entrants

We have two children who have joined the Busy Bee room. Welcome Krystle and Zak! You worked hard in Maths time on you first day. You can both count very well!

Block Construction

Building with the blocks is very popular at present. The children have been working co-operatively to make roads, rocket ships and other things. Perhaps we have some budding engineers of the future.  

Thursday 7 May 2015

Maths Time

The children in The 'Busy Bee' Room work hard at Maths time. Children are learning how to play Number games and take turns. We like numbers!