Thursday 26 October 2017

Discovery Time

The children really enjoy Discovery Time.

Lydia's visit to school

Lydia enjoyed her first transition visit to school. She was very proud of her colouring. That muffin looks yummy!

Writing practice

Chase likes writing on the whiteboards.

Topaz and her pet lamb

Topaz has a pet lamb. Her name is Macey. We watched her drink a bottle of milk.

Katelin's Baby Goat

Katelin started school on Tuesday. Her Mum and Dad brought her little goat to meet her after school! We loved seeing Pepa the goat.

Monday 16 October 2017

Discovery Time- Term 3, Day 1

The children in Room 5 enjoyed exploring own choice activities in Discovery Time on the first day back at school. Building with the big blocks, the Magnetic dolls, and dominoes were the favourites.

Look at our amazing building.

Lily and Topaz organised the animals.

Kiana, Ben and Maddox made a round building. 

Chase, Wyatt and James built ramps for the little cars.

Keisha, Devin and Althea like the magnetic dolls.

Luka likes the dominoes.

Term 3 First Day

The children in Room 5 are happy to be back at school after the holidays. We are going to have a busy term with lots of fun & learning along the way.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

New Entrants first day at school 2017

There were some very excited children who started school in Room 5 today.

We went to explore the school. First we went to the Staff Room. It is where the teachers go to have their morning tea and lunch. The children pretended that they were the teachers!

While we were in the Staff Room, Mrs Forsyth came in and met all the new children in Room 5.

Then we went to the office to meet Taryn the Office Manager. We must be very quiet and use our manners in the office area.

After that we went to see the classrooms where the big kids are taught. Room 3 children were playing a game outside so we sneaked in and sat at their big green desks! The chairs are high. Our feet didn't reach the floor.

Next we went to check out the Adventure Playground. We can play here at playtime and lunchtime.

The Assembly Hall is near the playground. We go to the hall for School assemblies on Friday. We sing songs and receive awards at assembly.

On our way back to class, we called in to see the School Library. There are LOTS of books. We are allowed to take books home to read.

Soon it was morning tea time. We were feeling a bit hungry by then! Mrs Robertson read us a story.

We read books and played some games after morning tea, and before too long, it was lunchtime. We sat with our buddies to eat lunch. We liked exploring the school in the morning.